- Estimate your income tax in seconds
- Determine whether you should itemize or take the standard
- Organize your 1040 return in Excel format
- Check your math for careless errors
Personal Finance
- Organize your monthly & annual spending (find out
where all your money goes!)
- Track expenses monthly (identify poor spending habits
- Compare actual income, expense and savings vs. budget
- When can you retire?
- How will inflation affect your retirement plan?
- How much will you need to save?
- Are you saving enough today?
- How much will you spend during retirement?
- How long will your retirement funds last?
- What will my monthly mortgage be?
- Can I afford this mortgage?
- How much house can I afford?
- Should I refinance?
- Includes Loan Optimizer and Amortization Schedule
- Easy to use Excel based spreadsheets
- Download the Budget
Planner demo
- Preview our comprehensive financial calculators (see links
- Money back guarantee
- How much will your investment be worth at retirement?
- Are you contributing enough today to meet your investment
- When will your investment goals be met?
- Results and the 401k Savings graph updates instantly as you
input assumptions.
- How much will my savings be worth?
- Am I saving enough today?
- When will my investment goal be met?
- Results and the Investment Savings graph update instantly
as you input assumptions.
- Track your net worth: Annually, Semiannually or Quarterly
- Customizable pie charts
- Quick links to Asset and Debt detail
- Detailed but simple